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Civil Engineering

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CENS UI 2013

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Ayo sipil pasti bisa rebut juara !!! #SemangatBerprestasi

Senin, 11 Maret 2013

World's tallest building will be constructed in only 90 days

News: construction is set to begin next month on the world's tallest building in Changsha, China, which will be completed in just 90 days.
Construction firm Broad Sustainable Building (BSB), a subsidiary of China's Broad Group, has corrected earlier reports that its 220-storey Sky City tower would take seven months to complete, telling ConstructionWeekOnline that the skyscraper will be finished at the end of March next year.
Following foundation work that will continue until the end of December, the company said its schedule to construct the 838-metre tower "will go on as planned with the completion of five storeys a day."
"We have not issued any press statement on this and it will go on as planned... we have not said anything about 210 days," said Broad Group senior VP Juliet Jiang, adding that the project is still awaiting approval from the government.
As previously reported on Dezeen, BSB plans to build the tower using pre-fabricated components that slot together like a Meccano toy. On completion, the skyscraper would be taller than Dubai’s Burj Khalifa and include schools, a hospital, 17 helipads and apartments for over 30,000 people. The company has already successfully demonstrated its approach on a smaller scale by constructing a 30-storey tower in 15 days.
Broad Group starts work on world's tallest tower
Above: composite image comparing an earlier design for Sky City with the Chicago skyline
Broad's CEO Zhang Ye claims his pre-fabricated towers are designed with a different load-bearing structure to conventional towers so that they use less concrete and steel and can be produced in factories rather than on-site.
However, some construction experts believe the tower is simply too tall to be built with ready-made parts. Bart Leclercq, head of structures in the Middle East at WSP, the engineering firm behind The Shard in London, warned that documents for Sky City on BSB’s website make no mention of wind load.
"There are forces working on a building that tall, including the wind. It is not a minor thing at that height," he told ConstructionWeekOnline. "By just using these simple units all put together, you are not going to get enough stiffness; this building will have an enormous storey drift, and it will sway."
Read our previous story about BSB's plans to build the world's tallest tower from pre-fabricated parts, or see all our stories about skyscrapers.
Broad Group starts work on world's tallest tower
Above: image shows how Sky City will look once completed in Changsha
Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu of Shanghai studio Neri&Hu recently told Dezeen that their fellow architects in China are "lost" and need to stem the tide of “half-assed” building projects in the country, while Aric Chen, the creative director of Beijing Design Week, had previously warned that China needs to “slow down” and pay more attention to issues of authenticity, process and identity.
In contrast, Hong Kong-based designer Michael Young told Dezeen earlier this month that China is now "a dream scenario" for designers, with its huge manufacturing base and plenty of investment opportunities on the horizon.

Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

Olimpiade Ilmiah Mahasiswa FT UI (OIM FT)

Yuk sipil, mari kita berkarya dan berprestasi sambil menngeluarkan inovasi-inovasi untuk membuat indonesia lebih maju :)

Prepare Yourself!

It's time to dive your potency, OIM FTUI 2013: Intelligence in Integrity!

March - April 2013

PKM (P, KC, K, T, M, GT, AI)
Bahasa Debate
Inspirative Poster

PKM-K Exhibition

Performance from each department on opening!

Check @iptekFTUI for more info :)

Jadwal OIM FTUI 2013:
>11-15 Maret :Pendaftaran
>18 Maret : Opening
>18 dan 21 Maret : Penyisihan Quiz
>19 Maret : Pengumpulan PKM
>20 dan 22 Maret : Penyisihan Debat
>18-29 Maret : Pengumpulan Poster Inspiratif
>1 April : Semifinal Debat
>1-5 April : Pameran PKM-K
>1 April : Pengumuman PKM yang lolos
>3 April: Final Debat
>4 April : Presentasi PKM
>5 April : Final Quiz
>5 April : Closing

Cara pendaftaran OIM FTUI 2013

Melalui SMS dengan format:

-PKM: <PKM-(Bidang)_Nama Ketua_3kata pertama Judul PKM
Contoh: PKM-M_Muslimah_"Sekolah Cherrya" Program> kirim ke 081286209723( Rafika-PJ PKM)

-Kuis: <KUIS_Nama Ketua_Departemen> kirim ke 085669377986 (Marfel-PJ Kuis)

-Poster: <Poster_Nama_Departemen_Judul Poster> kirim ke 081393963977 (Anyes-PJ Kuis)

-Opening: <Opening_Nama ketua_Departemen_Judul Performance> Kirim ke
083875503585 (Denia-PJ Opening)

-Debat: Debat_Nama ketua_Departemen> Kirim ke 08998183971 (Imma-PJ Debat)

Yuk sipil, mari kita berkarya dan berprestasi sambil menngeluarkan inovasi-inovasi untuk membuat indonesia lebih maju :)

Info lebih lanjut, lihat di http://oimftui2013.wordpress.com/

Bagi teman-teman yang ingin mengikuti lomba tersebut, 

harap untuk mengisi Form Pendataan Lomba DTS

Bidding Project Officer CENS 2013

Pagi Sipil!!

Bidding P.O CENS UI 2013 telah dilaksanakan pada hari minggu, 3 maret 2013 bertempat di ruang BP3 Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia pukul 09.30-19.30 dengan 4 calon yaitu:

Radityo Andjaringrat Adhi
Descilia Pranata Amin
Amirul Akbar Rosadi
Indri Mahadiraka

adapun panelis di bidding kali ini yaitu:
1. Tim Panelis Alumni CENS (Rifa 07, Andri 03)
2. Tim Panelis CENS 2011 (Dzikry, Tata, Kania, Dewo)
3. Tim Panelis CENS 2012 (Syaf, Karim, Evan, Andin, Nana)

Apresiasi patut kita berikan kepada para calon P.O beserta tim karena mereka telah memberikan performance yang terbaik saat bidding kepada warga dan panelis. Salut!!

Akhirnya CENS 2013 ini dipercayakan untuk dipimpin oleh Radityo Andjaringrat Adhi S'11 !! Selamat dan semoga dapat menjalankan CENS ini dengan semaksimal mungkin.

Laporan Singkat Bidding CENS 2013

Bidding CENS kali ini dihadiri oleh 72 orang, jumlah yang cukup banyak mengingat hari itu adalah hari minggu. Alur acara adalah sebagai berikut:

Presentasi calon P.O 15 menit
Tanya-jawab panelis 60 menit
Tanya-jawab floor 15 menit
Simulasi wawancara

Penentuan urutan bidding dilakukan dengan undian dengan urutan Radit, Descil, Rully dan Indri. Calon P.O beserta tim memasuki ruangan bidding, sementara calon P.O dan tim lain menungggu di luar ruangan

Calon P.O melakukan presentasi selama 15 menit, setelah itu dilakukan sesi tanya-jawab dengan diperbolehkan bagi tim calon P.O untuk membantu menjawab

Selesai tanya-jawab, calon P.O beserta tim melakukan simulasi wawancara. Panelis memainkan beberapa peran antara lain dari sponsorship, media partner, stakeholders lainnya. Calon P.O diwawancara seolah mereka sedang menawarkan kerjasama CENS kepada para stakeholders dengan tuntutan dapat meyakinkan para stakeholders. Ketenangan menjawab diperlukan untuk sesi ini.

Akhirnya bidding selesai pukul 19.30 dan semua peserta pun nampak lega dan puas telah melalui bidding dengan cukup baik dan lancar

Tema yang diangkat para calon P.O CENS 2013

Para calon P.O membawa 4 tema yang berbeda yang tentunya berkaitan dengan Indonesia. Tema-tema yang diangkat antara lain:

1. Radityo Andjaringrat
    Tema  : Surpass the limit with through Sunda Strait Bridge

2. Descilia Pranata
    Tema    : Supporting the logistic distribution through Megaport

3. Amirul Akbar Rosadi
    Tema   : Multi Purpose Deep Tunnel

4. Indri Mahadiraka
    Tema   : Revitalisasi Infrastruktur Kelautan Guna Menunjang Implementasi Sistem Transportasi Air Nusantara dalam Membangun Skala Ekonomi Makro